Overseer Terence L. Johnson (Senior Pastor)
The Reverend Donna M Davis-Johnson (Pastor/Trustee)
Elder-Elect Donald Parler (Trustee)
Deacon Chareese Harper-Parler (Church Administrator)
Elder-Elect Harvetta Lynch (Corporate Treasurer)
Roslyn Turner (Corporate Secretary)

Overseer Terence L. Johnson | Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor of the Cathedral International North Hills Church, in Teaneck New Jersey, Pastor Johnson is a first-generation spiritual son of Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. He has served Bishop Hilliard, the presiding prelate of the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship & Cathedral Assemblies, in several ministry capacities over the past 30+ years.
Pastor Johnson accepted Christ Jesus in 1975 and was baptized by the late Bishop Kelmo C. Porter Jr at the St. Johns Baptist Church, Scotch Plains. Later Pastor Johnson rededicated his life to the Lord under the ministry of Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr on July 6th, 1979 and later received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on June 6th, 1981.
Pastor Johnson, in his youth, served Bishop Hilliard Jr in the early 1980s at “Youth on the Move for Christ Ministry” in Springfield, NJ as a teen-ager under the leadership of Donald Hilliard. Pastor Johnson received the prophetic call of God into ministry in January 1983 during Sunday evening meeting at “Youth on the Move for Christ” in Springfield, NJ. Pastor Johnson was licensed by then, Pastor Donald Hilliard Jr, on June 14, 1987.
Between 1987 and 2004, Pastor Johnson served as associate minister and Praise and Worship Leader at the Grace Deliverance Baptist Church, Bethlehem, PA (1989-1992), served as associated minister at Cathedral International (Perth Amboy, NJ), Cathedral International (Asbury Park, NJ), and Cathedral International (Plainfield, NJ) (1992-2003). At the Cathedral International, Pastor Johnson served as Vice President of the Ministerial Staff, Cathedral Bible Institute Instructor, New Members Class Instructor, and Straight Gate Prison Ministry.
Pastor Johnson has also served as instructor to the leadership staff (Ministers, Deacons, and Ministry Heads, Praise and Worship Team) at Greater Shiloh Baptist Church, Easton, PA under the late Pastor Fred Davis (1996-2000)
Pastor Terence and wife Pastor Donna Davis-Johnson were appointed Covering Shepherd of the “Cathedral Fellowship North Hills Church” now known as the “Cathedral International North Hills Church” on February 8, 2004 by Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr.
Pastor Johnson was ordained by Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr. under the Covenant Ecumenical Fellowships and Cathedral Assemblies on October 25th, 2005 and officially installed as the Senior Pastor of the Cathedral International North Hills Church which was incorporated on March 15, 2007. October of 2017, Pastor was elevated to the office of Overseer within the Covenant Fellowship Alliance under the Presiding Bishop Curtis H. Douglas and apostolic father Bishop Donald Hilliard Jr.
Overseer Terence Johnson, along with Pastor Nasir Javid (Pakistan) planted the Cathedral International North Hills Bible School of Pakistan in January 2019. The second branch of Cathedral International North Hills Bible School of Pakistan was planted in January 2020. The third branch of the Cathedral International North Hills Bible School of Pakistan was in 2021. Overseer Johnson provided the 12 Lesson Curriculum to Pastor Nasir Javid which was translated in the Urdu language. The three branches of the Bible School will complete their graduation and certificate in 2021 under the leadership of Pastor Javid and Lady Sana.
Overseer Terence Johnson also covers pastors in Kisii Kenya. He, in joint effort with Covenant Fellowship Alliance (CFA), was instrumental in purchasing 10,000-liter water tank in Ogembo, Kenya under Pastor Jairus Onsongo (Riaonsongo Fellowship).
Overseer Johnson continues to provide oversight to ministries and pastors in Pakistan and Kenya. He is passionate about discipleship and building families and expanding the kingdom of God both locally and nationally. His model is that church is more than a physical building but a people, locally and internationally, maximizing their kingdom purpose.
Overseer Johnson is happily married to the lovely Donna Davis-Johnson, and they live in Pennsylvania with their 2 beautiful and brilliant daughters.

Donna M. Johnson | Pastor
Pastor Donna Maria Davis Johnson is a daughter of Greater Shiloh Church (historic Shiloh Baptist Church) in Easton where she was trained and served in various aspects of ministry under the leadership of her parents, the late Pastor Fred Davis and mother, Overseer Juanita Davis. It was at Shiloh Baptist where Donna was accepted the Lord, was baptized, and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
During that time Pastor Donna was instrumental in starting the Young Adult Choir (Voices of Victory), the Praise team and the Karar Dance Ministry. Pastor Donna during her time at Shiloh had various opportunities to teach choir Bible studies, Vacation bible school and new member’s classes.
On several occasion, Pastor Donna taught workshops at the Shiloh Women’s of Excellence conferences, Women of Virtue conference, hosted by Bea Harrington, and other conferences and fellowships all over the Tri-State area. It was evident that Donna had a call on her life as a teacher and preacher in the Lord’s church. She is known for making the word of God clear.
In 1995 Donna married Pastor Terence L. Johnson who served as an associated minister at Cathedral International (Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, NJ under Bishop Donald Hilliard, II. Pastor Terence and Donna were blessed with two beautiful daughters (Lydia Joy and Victoria Joy). Donna and the family served at the Cathedral International, teaching new members, worship classes and serving in the Praise and Worship ministry.
In 2003, Bishop Donald Hilliard II planted a church (Cathedral International North Hills) in Teaneck, NJ and assigned Terence and Donna as covering shepherds. In 2006, Pastor Terence Johnson was officially assigned as the Senior Pastor of the North Hills church.
In October of 2010 Pastor Donna was ordained by Bishop Donald Hilliard, II Presiding Prelate of the C.E.F.C.A organization and currently serves the North Hills church as the Pastor of the Women’s Ministry, Performing Arts, and in many other functions.
Armed with the years of training much from Greater Shiloh Church, Cathedral International, and the power of the Holy Ghost, God is using Pastor Donna Johnson in Northern NJ region and beyond internationally to build His church and expand His kingdom.
Pastor Donna counsels, teaches, preaches and covers various ministries and serves as overall a support to her husband, Pastor Terence. She firmly believes that she is the Righteousness of God and in Him she stands complete.